Summer Kiss
Creamy & Mellow
Summer Kiss melons are a native of Israel with a heritage that’s a mixture of cantaloupe and honeydew. Kissed by the sun Summer Kiss melons are creamy, mellow, and long-lasting with green flesh and a deep golden exterior. A great addition to smoothies, juices, and salads they are best enjoyed when there’s a slight give to the touch.
Summer Kiss

Creamy & Mellow
Summer Kiss melons are a native of Israel with a heritage that’s a mixture of cantaloupe and honeydew. Kissed by the sun Summer Kiss melons are creamy, mellow, and long-lasting with green flesh and a deep golden exterior. A great addition to smoothies, juices, and salads they are best enjoyed when there’s a slight give to the touch.
When is Summer Kiss Ready to Eat?
Summer Kiss melons are ready to be enjoyed when the skin develops a full gold color.
Refrigerate your Summer Kiss after it’s been cut to maintain freshness.
Always be sure to wash your melons before eating.
How Long Does Summer Kiss Stay Fresh?
Prior to being cut, these melons will stay fresh for 3-5 days/weeks. After being cut, Summer Kiss should be refrigerated and enjoyed within 3 days.
When is Summer Kiss Available?
Summer Kiss melons are harvested and available from June thru September.